April 29, 2020

Biking Tour of Bogota

I spent two days in Bogota at the tail end of my Colombia trip. My buddy and I wanted to explore the city with our limited time. We decided to book a biking tour in Bogota through AirBNB experiences.

The bike tour took us through several parts of downtown Bogota as a means of seeing a lot in a little time. It was a quick glimpse into historical sites, graffiti, and their heritage.

ride through my eyes.

The bike tour was not advertised as an electrical bike tour, however, I was pleasantly surprised that it was. For a non-bike rider, this helps to navigate Bogota’s incline streets without busting a sweat. That is, until the battery ran out about an hour before the tour was over. Supposedly, the battery pack is to last the entire tour duration. The two other bikes did last but I kept messing around with mine was the unlucky one. Our tour guide offered to switch bikes but I had too much pride to do so politely declined. Regardless, I definitely needed a workout. It was my first workout during my vacation.

if you don’t want to be all sweaty for the rest of the day, consider only using the electrical motor for inclines.

It’s taken me some time to go through all of my footage but I quickly put together this video of my biking tour in Bogota. I felt comfortable riding around the city as there were plenty of bike lanes and drivers watched for bicyclist.

I haven’t been on a bike for years but after this tour, it made me realize how much I missed it. Shortly after coming back from Colombia, I bought a used bicycle off of OfferUp.

The video was shot on a GoPro Black Hero 8.

Read more about my Colombian travels here.

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